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Member Since 25 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 30 2011 06:02 PM

Topics I've Started

Liability Insurance

27 August 2011 - 08:55 AM

I see some discussions on here as to whether Insurance is needed for bulk candy vending business in case "kid chokes on a gumball"

Isn't true that if this happens the manufacturer of the Gumball is liable and not the vendor????

Ok soooo...

27 August 2011 - 08:42 AM

I have reached the required 20 post to access some additional content, but I don't see it..Nothing has changed

I am especially interested in seeing the revenue reports

Where/how do i see these???????

Bulk Vending profiyability/economics

27 August 2011 - 07:51 AM

I am brand new to the vending machine business, and have found this site to be the absolute best source for information available!!

In reading the post on tracking profits it seems to me that many people over think this and/or make it too complicated.

some people even subtract the amount of gas they use to service their route. I don't think anyone subtracts the amount of gas they use driving back and forth to their day job from their salary,

It is simple economics.

Lets say you have $1200.00 what can you do wit it:

1) put it under your mattress = 0 ROI
2) Put it in a savings account = 0.09% ROI
3) put it in a mutual fund = Potentially 5% ROI but that fluctuates and you have to be in it for the long haul
4)Buy something you want, but don't need = your money is gone and you have something you eventually will never use and can't sell
5) etc, etc, etc


6) You buy 8 or 10 bulk vending machines = you get a monthly 10% ROI IN CASH, you can grow your business and add more machines. Also, you can always sell the USED machines eventually. Sure, if you put the $1200.00 in a mutual fund your initial investment does not devalue as fast, but their is inflation and the dollar devalues

It is really that simple. sure it is work, but it should be fun to you.

Anyone else want to chime in on this??

machine labels

25 August 2011 - 06:19 PM

I am brand new to vending and excited to have my first 8 brand new triple heads from GMW on the way to me.

I have a question about placing the stickers on my machines.

I have read that you should not actually stick them to your machines because they are difficult or impossible to get off.

I have seen two other options:

1) "laminated" stickers that you apply to the outside with double stick tape

2) others that stick to the inside with "static Cling'

can anyone recommend the best way to apply stickers to the machines??

I think it is definitely necessary to maximize sales as the brand recognition is very effective and attention getting

To clarify i am talking about the M&M, M&I, RP, charity stickers, etc...


This site is amazing and I am sooo glad to have found it!!!