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Member Since 06 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2008 09:18 AM

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In Topic: sounds like a scam to me, not sure though?

09 February 2008 - 05:09 PM

Congratulations! That is quite an achievement. The more research I do, the more it seems to make sense to put in the leg work and build a vending business from scratch. There is just so much information to sort out, I still don't know where to begin. I know that I want machines that are combo snack/beverage, with bill acceptors, cashless technology, and off-site monitoring capabilities if possible. Are there a few brands that are recognized as being 'state of the art' and/or reliable? I looked at the Automatic Merchandiser buying guide, but it doesn't rate companies or equipment. Where did you even start? What resources would you recommend?

In Topic: sounds like a scam to me, not sure though?

06 February 2008 - 06:08 PM

Thanks for your honest opinion, I appreciate your input. I guess my larger question is: how do you know how to identify a "good" business opportunity that packages machines, locations, marketing and distribution channels together for one investment cost vs. a "bad/non-profitable" business opportunity? Is there a general rule of thumb for investment cost per machine? Are there any books or resources available that helps outline the analysis process? Is it typically advised to build your business on your own, or do companies such as Yo Naturals or Fuel Zone provide value that is worth the higher investment cost?

In Topic: sounds like a scam to me, not sure though?

06 February 2008 - 01:29 PM

Speaking of "business opportunities", has anyone heard of YoNaturals? They seem to have a nice business concept (getting healthy alternatives into schools and hospitals via vending machines), but the investment they are requesting is aprox. $10,000/machine for the combo snack/beverage machine, cashless technology, off-site monitoring system and software, training, site location, press release and option to use their product distributors. Is this reasonable or a "blue sky" scam? It seems pricy, but would save a lot of time and energy.