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Member Since 03 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 01 2010 03:46 PM

Topics I've Started

Vending Machines for Sale

10 June 2010 - 10:03 AM

Hello, we are selling our combo machines (Genesis) for $1,500 each. They work fine and they are a year old. If you live in the San Diego area, you have the option to keep these machines where they are ($100.00/month net per machine) or relocate them. My business partner is going blind so we decided to sell the business. Thank you.

Vending Machines for Sale

07 May 2010 - 10:22 PM

Hello, my business partner is having some physical complication and cannot continue with this newly based business. Unfortunately, we need to sell our machines and close the business. Currently, we have five combo machines and two of them have not been used. The remaining three are at location and you do have the option to leave them where they are or relocate. Each machine dispenses drinks AND snacks and they have six years warranty left, out of seven years. We bought these machines for $3,600 each and we are willing to sell them for $2,500 each OR $10,000 for all five machines. More details on these machines are available at our website (www.snackulux.com).

We are located in San Diego, CA and we are willing to ship the machine(s) to you at your cost. We will also consider trades - video or photography equipment, Jeep (any year), Volkswagen beetle ('70 and under), or whatever you have to offer. Thank you.

Vending for Sale

01 February 2010 - 07:25 PM

Hello everyone, unfortunately, my business partner is going blind and he no longer wants to continue our partnership. We got into this business because we thought it'd be fun to work together. I don't want to continue doing this by myself so we are selling our machines. We started exactly one year ago and three of our machines are on location. We haven't got around to finding two more locations for the other two machines so they are still "brand new."

Please contact me if you're interested. We are selling our machines at $2,500 each. They are combo machines so they each dispenses snacks and drinks. We are located in San Diego and if you're close-by, you do have the option of keeping 1-3 machines where they currently are. If you are not close-by, you will cover shipping cost or if it is cheaper, I am willing to rent a u-Haul and bring the machine(s) to you, at your expense. Thank you.


Vending for sale

04 December 2009 - 03:38 PM

Hello, it is unfortunate that things aren't working out with my business partner and I. We agreed to either sell the business or find someone to buy him out. I am 50-50 about selling my half of the business because 1) I don't know you and 2) I actually enjoy this business and I want to keep it. I cannot afford buying my business partner out though. Please contact me through PM or email with your offer(s). Thank you.

We currently have five combo machines. We found three locations for three of our machines (averaging $50.00/week per machine) and the remaining two machines have not been used yet. We started less than a year ago and we haven't had the chance to look/find two locations for our remaining machines. Thank you.