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Aussie vendor

Member Since 12 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2009 01:14 AM

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The best locator of all time

12 June 2008 - 08:49 PM

CONGRATULATIONS, you have just located your first vending machine.
The best locator on the planet is "YOU" I am pleased you made the time to read.
Stop paying others to locate machines for you, you're wasting your money.
Consider this a moment. You "made" the time "yourself" to read this article.
If you had "paid" someone to read this for you, they would have read it, well they could have read it, they may not have read it at all.
What benefit did "you" gain by paying? None. You gave your money away for something you should have done yourself.
Sure it takes way more effort and time to locate machines compared to reading this article, but it cost's you nothing, only your time and effort are spent. Your rewards far out weigh effort.
I think you have grasped my point here. But I will continue on with a stronger point of view.
Time is not an issue, everyone has some spare time to locate. Anyone who thinks or says "i have no time to locate my machines" should stay away from this industry. You sure find time to collect coins, no excuses.
Don't watch T.V. locate machines instead.
Stop playing on the computer, locate machines instead.
Once you have located all your machines yourself, that's the time for play, relaxing etc.
Locating vending machines makes hard work at first , but it's rewarding for "you"
in the long term, most of all you can do it yourself. Stop being lazy.
How long would it take to "personally" locate only one machine per day, on foot? (Not phone)
Maybe one hour, maybe two hours. You have just saved $50. - $100. bucks or more. How long does it take for you to earn $100. or $1000. one week or two?
Would you pay a so called professional love maker to make love to your sweetheart for one or two hours each day? Who would benefit most here?
In this example it would not cost you any money either, mostly for you guys. lol.
The bottom line...
Love locating everyday as much as love making and you will prosper. Then maybe you'll become such an expert at the locating game, you can charge some poor bugger a small fortune for something you know he/she could have done themselves but were simply too lazy to get out and go for it . Winners never give up.