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For The Kids Vending

Member Since 22 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2012 11:10 AM

Topics I've Started

USI 3015A Dex Harness Anywhere?

27 October 2011 - 04:10 PM

I have a USI 3015A that I'd like to add some kind of reporting to. I'm not against making something myself if I have to. I know premade market solutions to add dex to any machine run around $200 or so, but I'd like to avoid that if possible. I'm working on my own solution for non-Dex machines using an AVR ATmega microcontroller and can go that route if I have to.

In any case - Mei thinks this is a dex machine on their list here: http://www.telemetry...om/dex_list.php . Well it says "Full" anyway which I'm assuming means full dex. The parts manual lists a "Data Cable" but says it is 220V only for the European machines (which would be the 3025A). I can't seem to find that part for sale anywhere anyway. The Internet says Yes it has dex but I can't find any more info. Vendnetusa.com says No. VEII doesn't carry parts for USI. So does anybody know if this has Dex or not and where would I find the dex cable?

Also, there is a 4 pin header on the motherboard that the Schematic labels "Expansion J2" and the metal cover over the motherboard is labeled "Mode" for that header. Could this be a data port and does anybody know anything about it? If this machine has dex then that has to be the spot because there are no other headers. There is no further mention of this expansion port anywhere in the parts or service manual as far as I can tell.

Thanks in advance

AP 7600 keeps homing

26 November 2010 - 01:58 PM

I just got an AP snackshop 7600 and it keeps homing. The A4, B4, C4, & F4 will take a 1/2 turn every time I close the door. It seems to work sometimes though, then I set the prices or open the drawers and it won't work again. The only useful info the manual has is it is some kind of short. Does anybody have experience with tracking this down? I haven't had time to start taking the machine apart yet and it would be nice to know where to look first.
