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Member Since 10 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2011 07:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: A long vending story for new vendors and I need advice from old vendors.

15 January 2010 - 04:30 PM

Thanks Mark, but I paid off the credit card with my regular job. Thank god I didn't buy 10 machines to start out. If I buy more machines I think I will buy 3 headed ones, or 4.

I have never bought nor seen the inside of a U-Turn machine but my experience has shown me that many bulk vending machines have interchangable parts such as vending wheels.

If you can find them I would purchase a few 1.1" Capsule wheels & .50 cent coin mechs and re-brand the machine.
Toy's do not go stale, can rotate between machines with no hassle and I would find a decent store or restaurant that will let you locate the machine in the front-of-the-house (Customer Traffic). I would also try to approach them with a commission offer as well.

Just my 2 cents.

In Topic: Recovery from mouse

15 January 2010 - 04:10 PM

Impressions and peoples perception are everything when dealing with the public.

I had the same situation happen with a Candy Crane in a Wal*Mart.

I got a sevice call from the Wal*Mart corp office. I immediately called the Store Manager and he informed me that there indeed was a mouse inside of the crane and they had to unplug the game because the kids were trying to catch it with the claw. Funny now, but I was steamed when it happened.

Stopped off and loaded all new product in my truck.
Bought Food Grade cleaner and disinfectant.
Humanely trapped mouse & released in the woods behind store.
In front of everyone I removed all product and disposed into trash can, cleaned and disinfected the machine and reloaded with fresh new product. Machine was back in service an hour later and people were playing the game before I left.

You may have to do something similar or swap the machine out with another IF your sales have dropped and do not recover from the incident.

I would recomend going with the cleaning / disinfecting route quickly.

I would NOT place any sign referencing the prior incident.

PS: Sorry for any typos as I'm in need of coffee.

In Topic: Ok, where did everyone go?

09 November 2009 - 11:41 AM

it is a little slow. i check this forum and add my 2 cents at least once a week. :rolleyes:

I check in about the same but I have not really seen anything worth while to add a post.

I know I thought the discussions use to be fairly informative and lively. But (And the following is the opinion of the writer) I feel that the discussions got away from how do I fix this or has anybody had a problem with.... to What should I put in the machine? How much should I charge? How often should I fill it? How much do you make? I have read a couple where I wanted to ask Do you want me to come out and fill it and collect the cash for you too? I think there are alot of people ( me included) that do not mind helping people out who you feel are trying to help themselves or have legitimate questions. But there are some you can tell are just looking for someone else to set up their buisness for them. The post left today by serviceman is a good example.

Just my opinion

Snack dude

I agree. This should be a place to express diferent business ideas, strategies, build contacts, ask questions or seek opinions on equipment & product and a place for technical reference.

This is not a place to expect a pre-written business plan.

In Topic: Product Display Cards in Spanish?

03 October 2009 - 01:29 PM

you can make your own, its not to hard. all you need is a photo/image editor like photoshop, photo paper and a high quality printer. if you don't no spanish, just go to goggle and find a on-line translator. they will come out real nice and it not very hard. hope that helps a little.

I am looking more for professional printed Toy Displays (Live & Flat Print)from distributors.
Most of our product is Licensed (i.e. Spongebob) and we need to worry about copyright.

In Topic: Gourmet Butler Status

14 June 2009 - 12:46 PM

Leo: Where are you located? I have one Butler that I am going to sell. I had it on location for about a year, but I lost the location. Right now I'm not reallly doing any coffee so I'm just going to sell this one off.



I'm in Richmond, VA.
I am still in the planning stage at this time but I may be interested in buying yours.

How much are you selling it for?
