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Member Since 19 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2010 12:24 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Vendo Spacers and Gage Bar Clips

26 March 2010 - 12:25 PM

Google Brokerhouse Distributors

In Topic: Who makes the best combo machine?

26 March 2010 - 07:33 AM

Best Combo hands down is a CS-12 and CS-99 Combo. The CS-99 won't work unless it is plugged into the CS-12 (as the CS-99 is a slave unit), but it is the lightest and easiest to work with. It allows for multi-price pop and snack, it only has 2 buttons that you need to use when programming prices and the pop still holds 99 cans. Because it runs from the same control board, if ever a problem, it is easy to trace where it is coming from. It's made by AUTOMATIC PRODUCTS. It is the #1 machine I use for my vending needs.

In Topic: Thinking of buying a soda machine- advice?

26 March 2010 - 07:31 AM

In my area regular drinks from pepsi are 8.50 a case and special drinks are 9.50 (tropicana orangeade etc.)
On the full service deal Im thinking they would pay me 4.50 or 5.00 per case sold. Its been a while since I talked to my local Pepsi man about this, ( seems like I remember I would get $2 less per case if I did full service verses me doing the service) so Im not 100% on the full service numbers.

They make sure you ONLY buy from them. They keep your orders on file, so they see how many cans/bottles you purchase. When collection is done, they can see through the control board how many sales were done, so if you were thinking of buying from somewhere else the product, they can catch you.

In Topic: Dixie Narco S2-D Help?

24 March 2010 - 08:18 PM

So you're saying that the product in column 4 only drops if you open and then close the door. Try to check the relay, or also the delivery chute sensor. Also check the sold out switch at the bottom of the column, is it bent a bit in one direction? Remove the product from column #4 and try manually tripping the sold out sensor with your finger, applying pressure and releasing as if it were adding/removing product, do you notice a "SOLD OUT" or any messages on the machine or any lights go out on the machine? That should help narrow it down.

In Topic: Dr. Pepper - Dixie Narco?

24 March 2010 - 06:44 AM

also try the sold out switches. and depth settings