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personal vending machine

Member Since 05 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2010 07:21 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: a locator to stay away from...not a legit business

13 September 2010 - 12:30 PM

Its good to hear about a good locator, im going to have to check eddie out, thx guys im glad i joinsd vendingchat


In Topic: If you want to learn about bulk vending head over to my website

11 September 2010 - 08:41 AM

Thanks for the info, I liked it also and will be going back to look in more detail.


In Topic: Best machine to purchase?

11 September 2010 - 08:17 AM

Which is the best pepsi machine to buy and is refurbished ok? royal, dixie narco, vendo?

I would have to say the one you can get the best deal on.


In Topic: vending prices

10 September 2010 - 08:38 AM

I never really thought about this part, so I guess I would wanna get products I can get the cheapest and make the most profit of course but what items are the best for this?


In Topic: Purchasing a vending route

10 September 2010 - 08:29 AM


I am looking to buy a vending machine route, i am very new to this industries and would like some insight on what questions i should ask the seller and what i should be looking for to make sure this is a good buy...i have not yet looked at the locations but i am planing to do so before i purchase..i would really apreciate any help or feed back thank you.

The asking price is = 4000

There are 4 machines

2 soda machines and 2 snack machines

There are two 2 locations

The seller says the route makes "600" a month

Your on the right path, you should ask to see the books so you can see the numbers yourself. I think thats a good price if the numbers he say are correct. you would pay for your investment in less than a year.