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colman vending

Member Since 14 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active May 21 2011 12:41 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Moving soda machines?

20 May 2011 - 11:15 PM

I have used a moving company to move my machines (two men and a truck) at $68.00 per move. They are very clean and cautious about moving the machines but it still is too much to move from one location to another. The last time a new location called me up about having a machine and offered to pick it up and move it to thier location for free. It has turned out to be the best money location I have so far. Just be careful that the machine is not set on it's side or back if it is the coolant unit might be damaged. Good Luck!!!

In Topic: possible missing money

13 May 2011 - 11:09 PM

I give my key to the office manager to open the front part in case something gets stuck
The cash key I keep myself, it's been over two years and I have never lost any products, the office manager is so polite that she keeps tabs in case a product does not fall or if the sold out signal does not work.
I also give away any out of date snacks to the workers for 1/2 price (they are more willing to do this).
I talk to everyone in the shop to see what they want and try to get the items on sale and put up a discount sign on Those items. It works wery well. the computer keeps tracks of all the money that is out in and how much has been sold
You have to trust the person you give a key to and build up a great frendship, so that every time I restock, they are so glad to see me and they also give my car a free oil change and rotate my tires for free. (can't bet that)

In Topic: Location, Location Location?

18 July 2010 - 08:49 AM

I have several snack and drink combo machines, I tend to sell more drinks than snacks in some but they all like the choice of getting a drink and snack out of the same machine. I gross about 60-70$ per week at some locations but it more like 40-50$ average per machine.
Hope this helps
Good Luck

In Topic: Location, Location Location?

17 July 2010 - 03:34 PM

Stay away from laundry rooms, they are mostly left unattended and the customers are more prone to try to break into your machines. I have had very good luck with auto repair shops, the wotkers buy most of my items and the customers are stuck there while their car is fixed, Try to get one with at least 6-10 bays that way there are at least 10 employes.

Good Luck