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Member Since 08 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 02 2014 01:43 AM

Topics I've Started

Coin pushers from the beginning

01 December 2014 - 10:01 AM

Have friend operating the coin pusher for two years. Now he wants to buy another one to place in the water park.

We found on ebay next machine. How it's in servicing? Has somebody any good word over it?


Spiral gumballs vending machines opinion

08 October 2014 - 08:21 AM

Hi there! 

I see a lot of spiral vending machines around the internet but never met them by myself. The most of sites offer them as mega attractive items selling better then average machines.

But I personally I have a lot of misgivings about that matter. 

Has anybody any experience with spiral machines? Are they really cost their money?